Testing Times in Tbilisi
When I first arrived in Tbilisi I thought the cracks in the pavement with weeds going through and the wonderful eroded qualities of some of the buildings were signs of character. Unfortunately a little bit of reality started to creep in.
I’ve not managed yet to find the traction on the mtb tours I was hoping for. I’m a little bit jealous of some other people I know who seem to be happily pursuing their thing and being settled in here.
Perhaps I was trying to do too much. When it came to the end of my term teaching English I was offered to continue but only full time. I didn’t want to commit to full time teaching English because of the mtb tours.
I was staying with my friend Hylke in his flat in the centre but I moved out of town to Ortachala to another friend’s place and this made it less convenient to get around and changed my viewpoint somewhat. So things started to get into a state of flux.
I’m caught a bit between the mtb tours and refocussing on something with more potential to provide a sustainable income. The mtb tours set up isn’t working out as I’d hoped. The focus is a bit split. As my partners are part time we find it difficult to align time. Setting up the business is taking a long time. so I’ve gone and done fun things in the mean time. Arthur came to visit from Yerevan and I travelled a bit to Batumi and did some other cycling trips.
In conclusion, I’m coming up with solutions and I’m not sure where it is taking me but all options are on the table.