Bug Out Bag, Survival Situation Kit bag
In a survival situation what do you need in a “grab-and-go” kitbag. Here are some essentials that you might need.
If you are leaving your usual residence and facing days on the move you want to ensure the best night sleep you can.
- Sleeping Bag
- Down Mat
- Tarp
No additional clothes other than the ones you are wearing will be included.
- Poncho
- Dust Mask
A basic knife is usually suggested enough for a real survival situation. However, a multitool might come in useful in some situations.
- Saw
- Knife
- Multitool
- Canteen Set
- Spoon
- Fire Steel
- Waterproof Match Box
- Water Filter
- Compass
- Head Lamp
- Power Bank
- Handcrank Radio
The chances of being in a survival situation where you need to drop everything and go is low, but not impossible.