What Should you Carry in a First Aid Kit for Cycle Touring?
For an any outdoor trip you should take a basic first aid kit. Here are list of essentials with a focus on cycling.
- Antibiotic / hydrocortisone ointment for “road rash” and insect bites
- Assorted adhesive bandages
- Gauze pads
- Sterile swabs
- Micropore tape
- Over the counter painkillers like Aspirin, Paracetamol and Nurofen
- Diarrhoea medicine
- Fluid replacement sachet
- Water purification tablets (depending on where you are riding)
Not strictly first aid but should have:
- Insect repellant
- Sunblock (very important)
- Ear plugs
- Back up money
Photo credit This post was part researched through Bicycles Stack Exchange website. (Thanks to JamesBradbury and Steve H)