New Project Wants to Connect Mountain Bikers
What they say:
Mountain biking can create great friendship stories like ours. Jonathan and I started riding when we were 13 years old and we quickly understood that this passion would drive our lives…We enjoyed our local trails in Reunion Island until we had to move for our studies. Wherever we travelled, our bikes always followed. In this way, we have been exploring trails in Europe, Africa and North America…One evening while preparing our next MTB trip, we noticed that we’ve always struggled to find riding buddies to guide us through the trails and to book bike-friendly accommodations. That’s how MTBNB adventure started!
MTBNB wants to help you connect with other riders. A bit like Couchsurfing for mountain bikers, this platform wants to help you connect with locals to show you the best trails. It aims to find accommodation for you and your gear. The web-based app seeks to match people by skill level and riding types - e.g. it asks you are you a downhill racer, a cross country rider, or something else entirely? It asks you your level (choose from beginner, intermediate, and advanced). MTBNB will either match you with other bikers or give you the option of hiring a professional guide. You are then responsible for organizing details about where and when to meet, though you can do so via MTBNB’s integrated messenger platform. At the moment there is no cost associated with hooking up with a guide. However, of course there is transportation, accommodation, and food costs involved. If you end up hiring a professional guide, you’ll have to pay for that.