Where should I live?
Moving to a new place is an important place and requires plenty of research.
- Living comfortably and within your means should be your first concern.
- Prices of consumable goods, housing expenses, fuel, utilities - electric and water, and taxes.
- Rates of state and local taxes vary.
- Tax credit or exemption benefits.
- local sales tax, income tax.
- Research the job markets - analysing quality employment.
- Income levels for jobs.
- Availability of opportunities in your industry.
Property Vales
- Research current home prices.
- Are prices abnormally high?
- Is it a rental or buyer’s market?
- Does property sell quickly?
- Is the area going through a period of development and improvement?
Crime Rates
- Research the safety of the town or neighbourhood.
- Different areas of cities are considered safe.
- Does the area have a good sense of community or do people live in isolation?
- Check statistics for the area.
- What is the presence of police?
Family and Friends Proximity
- Choose a place either within driving distance if you want to see your family and friends regularly.
- Consider that travel costs can build up.
- Will travelling put pressure on the relationships?
- Dislike the rain, perhaps don’t live in Scotland.
- Prefer to cycle on the flat - consider Amsterdam rather than San Fran.
- Access to good education can be really important
- Do you need to be near a local school for kids or want to have close access to the university library?
- Would you prefer to walk to school rather than get caught up in the school run on the roads?
- Living in London you have amazing access to many free galleries and events.
- In more rural areas there are opportunities but you might prefer to walk in the countryside or sample smaller scale offerings in local towns.
- Many people need to be near their favourite team, or a vibrant music scene or the theatre.
- If you have a favourite hobby or recreational activity, make sure that you can continue to pursue these interests in your new home.
- Do you want more of a quiet life or more hustle and bustle?
Commute Time
- The length of time it takes to get to work can be a determining factor in the decision to move to a new locale?
- What is the price of local public transport options?
- How are the roads on the route to work - do they get busy at peak times?
- Good hospitals and medical facilities
Choosing a place to live is very important. Overall, consider what is most important to you and your family and how a place will create the lifestyle you want.