An Art Festival in Southern Spain: Encuentro Internacional de Arte y Ecología #2
Joya: arte + ecología presents the second Encuentro Internacional de Arte y Ecología #2, a transdisciplinary symposium for those involved or concerned with environmental art, environmental science and environmental activism. The symposium will examine approaches in observation and innovation to develop sustainable water management systems and address problems in these zones such as land abandonment, risk of crop failure or fire, evaporation, drought, floods and soil degradation.
The event is taking place between the 1st and the 5th April at Cortijada Los Gázquez, in the Parque Natural de Sierra María-Los Vélez, in Vélez Blanco, Almería, Spain. It will be five days of presentations, discussions and creativity celebrating the culture of the Comarca de Los Vélez whilst simultaneously proposing creative and scientific responses in the face of climate change.
Wednesday 1st
11:00am – Joya: arte + ecología – Year in review • Simon Beckmann and Gonzaga Gómez-Cortázar
12:30am – Restauration of the Landscape through Artistic Intervention • Lucía Loren, Artist
2:00pm – Lunch
3:00pm – Triple Point of Water • Anna Macleod, Artist
4:00pm – Ecology in the Province of Almería • Daniel Conde Vila, Ecologistas en Acción
5:00pm – Biodinamic Agriculture: an holistic approach to agriculture • Daniel Conde Vila, Agricultural Engineer
6:00pm – Concert: Cuadrilla de Ánimas de Vélez Blanco
Thursday 2nd
11:00am – Presentation of El Libro #1 • Simon and Donna Beckmann, Co-founders of Joya: arte + ecología
12:30pm – The Balance Between Fresh and Salt Water: Drugstore • Aletta de Jong, Artist
2:00pm – Lunch
3:00pm – Traditional Agriculture in Los Vélez •_ José Domingo Lentisco (Geographer and Historian) and Encarnación Navarro (Historian)_
4:00pm – Rerouting: new works by David Cass •_ David Cass, Artist, Project Developer of Joya: arte + ecología_
Friday 3rd
11:00am – AlVelAl Project: sustainable local economy and landscape restauration •_ Dietmar Roth, Coordinator of AlVelAl Project_
12:30am – Screening: ‘El Bosque Encarnado’ and other short films •_ David Cass and Gonzaga Gómez-Cortázar, Artists_
2:00pm – Lunch
3:00pm – Workshop: Bureau of Linguistical Reality • Heidi Quante and Alicia Escott, Artists
4:00pm – Photographic observations of cultural response to natural rainfed and agrarian landscapes whilst travelling in Asia • _Andrew Welch, Explorer and Technical Coordinator of Joya: arte + ecología _
6:00pm – Concert: Marta Requena and Víctor Bravo
Saturday 4th
11:00am – Natural Beekeeping: a return to the origins we lost • Rubén B., Director of TRASMONTE
12:30pm – Mediterranean Mountainous Landscapes Project: Water as backbone of the landscape • José María Martín Civantos, Coordinator of the MEMOLA Project
2:00pm – Lunch
3:00pm – Presentation of the project SENDA • _Lucía Loren, Anna Macleod, Sigrid Holmwood, Simon Beckmann, Alan Franklin _
6:00pm – Concert: Lorena Álvarez
Sunday 5th
11:30am – Esparto workshop
12:30pm – Paella making competition
3:00pm – Climate Change and Agroecology • Sandra Moreno Cadena, Peasants’ Rights Coordinator at SOC-LVC
5 DAY FEE: 100€
This fee includes participation in all the activities and lunch every day.
1 DAY FEE: 25€
This fee includes participation in a full day of activities, including lunch.
1/2 DAY FEE + LUNCH: 20€
This fee includes participation in the activities of half a day, either in the morning (11am to 2pm) or in the evening (3pm to 6pm). Lunch is included but evening activites (after 6pm) are not included.
1/2 DAY FEE: 15€
This fee includes participation in the activities of half a day, either in the morning (11am to 2pm) or in the evening (3pm to 6pm). Lunch and activites of the evening (after 6pm) are not included.
This fee includes participation in one activity scheduled before 6pm.
This fee is to participate in the evening session (after 6pm) only.
To book your place please send an e-mail to: please send an e-mail to ** **
**Accommodation: **
To check accommodation availability at Los Gázquez eco-guesthouse, please send an e-mail to