• Arriving to Varanasi on India Day in Thick Fog Eating Jelebi

    January 26, 2009

    I slept in a police station last night and they gave me a fantastic meal of Roti, Aloo Gobi, Chappati, fried cauliflower and potato. I’m on the search for breakfast after having a sugar high due to eating loads of Jelebi (gooey sweets) with the police. They had a little ceremony just before I left putting the flag up because it is India Republic Day. I left shortly after and cycled towards Varanasi in thick fog which didn’t clear until 10:30am and caused havoc on the already very busy (human and mechanical traffic) roads.

    Tags: VaranasiIndiaCycle touringTravel


  • Dealing with The Dilemma of Making Travel Destination Decisions

    January 17, 2009

    Making decisions about where to travel when on the road should be a spontaneous decision but when you throw visa regulations and bureaucracy into the mix it’s not that simple. I found out the hard way in Delhi with a self-imposed no-fly policy, a soon to expire Indian visa and out of options for an onward route. My options were: Nepal, Tibet, China. This was closed down because the Tibet border closed.

    Tags: RouteBureacracyDecisionVagabondingVisaTravel


  • A Route Through India and Why Not to Use A Guidebook

    January 17, 2009

    My route through India went from Amritsar, through Punjab to Bathinda, then Bikaner. Next was down to Nagour, Jodhpur, and Mt Abu. Following that was Gujarat to Amdavad, Surat, and down to Daman and then Bombay. From Bombay, I left the bike and took the train with Fanny (my girlfriend from Georgia) to Goa. We continued on to Kannur in Kerala, Calicut, Sultan Bathery, the Muthanga Wildlife Santuary, Mysore, Hampi, Gokarna and back to Bombay.

    Tags: GuidebookLonely planetIndiaCycling


  • 12 Months Lost Travel Photos Induced Nihilism

    January 16, 2009

    I was in an Internet cafe this morning, feeling crappy and depressed. I woke up with a head full of heavy thoughts about my future travel plans and I was worried. To make matters worse, I connected my hard disk to the computer and I spent a good hour wrangling with it to try and view files. On newer computers it seems to work fine, whereas on older ones it just throws a wobbly.

    Tags: StorageDiskErrorPhotographyTraveldigitalfilescomputerproblem


  • My Bicycle Has Become More Than Just a Machine

    January 16, 2009

    I was cycling through Bombay traffic about 15 minutes ago and suddenly snap, there goes my front derailleur cable frayed into a throng of discombobulated threads. It made me think of the gradual process of wear and weakening that eventually leads to the point of breakage. The bike, somewhere down in my instincts has begun to take on a life of it’s own. When it breaks it reminds me that we all erode and age and causes me to confront my own human frailty and mortality.

    Tags: Cycle touringPhilosophyTravelCycleBicycle