• Visiting a School in Nepal

    February 23, 2009

    I met a man who was playing a type of table top hockey. He asked me to go and visit his school. Inside, the children were attending their lessons. The school was a project of ‘Room to Read’, the local community and the Nepali government. Architecturally the building looked good and with a nice paint job on the outside at least. The teacher took me onto the roof and said ‘we don’t have equipment for our school - no tables, books, and no money to buy them’.

    Tags: Nepal


  • Staying with Laxman the Botanist in Nepal

    February 23, 2009

    Onward I went up through the mountains, through little villages, and clay shacks by the roadside. I decided to continue to cycle in the moonlight and arrived in the town of Daman at 2330 m at around 7 o’clock. I went into a Dhaba which was a building made of branches with a thatch roof, a small clay oven. There were two ladies. One was smoking a pipe whilst cooking by some pans on a stove.


  • Meeting 5 saddhus on a Pilgrimage to Parvati

    February 23, 2009

    From Daman on clear day, you could see 18 Himalayan peaks. Unfortunately visibility wasn’t good, but the peaks of Ganesh Himal, Annapurna and Machappuchre were a mystical sight floating atop the whispy clouds and haze. I passed the 2400m summit point feeling spiritually rested from being in the quiet mountain area surrounded by glorious wild nature. The downhill was long and ponderous. I regularly stopped to take photos, film travelling shots, and otherwise record my thoughts as they occurred via dictaphone.

    Tags: Nepal


  • Putting A Bike On A Bus to Kathmandu

    February 5, 2009

    I arrived in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, by bus last night. I decided to take the bus so I could see the capital without rushing and not have to backtrack on myself. My plan is to cycle the length of Nepal then drop down into India at the most western border crossing and go on to Delhi. Nepal holds great intrigue for me because of the mountains and the geographical significance.

    Tags: Public transportKathmanduNepalBusTravelAdventureShoppingCity


  • Donating a bike on behalf of Wheels4Life to Help a Nun Get to Work

    January 29, 2009

    Last night, after a long day’s ride, I was taking some photos of an amazing sky and I met two ladies, enrobed in orange shawls. They spent a few minutes watching me getting different angles of the melting pot of colours that made up the sky. I noticed they were interested in speaking to me. ‘Where are you from’ in a fluent English, one of the ladies asked. We struck up a conversation.

    Tags: GivingCharityWheelsforlifeDonationIndiaNunHelpIndiaWheels4Lifehansreyhans reySchooleducationorphanage