• Encouraging Quotes

    January 29, 2011

    Bruce Parry The (King) of the Suri Tribe - We are one, we all have ten fingers, we have two eyes, we have two ears, we have one stomach, we are all one. Remember me Sherlock Holmes When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains however improbable must be the truth Ice T After leaving high school, he joined the U.S. Army. He has stated he did not enjoy the experience, explaining, “I didn’t like total submission to a leader other than myself”.

    Tags: QuotesMotivationInspiration


  • Walks around Peckham and Dulwich

    January 1, 2011

    My first flat in London was in Peckham, about half way along the Rye. I explored the area by bike, walking and running. I was doing a project about psychogeography and was often trying to pay attention to my emotions whilst walking about. I was also looking for whatever caught my interest in the environment and capturing it in photo stories. Tesco sign takes on an ominous feel next to the sinister looking spike-topped fencing.

    Tags: UK


  • Stoke Albany to London Cycle Commute

    September 30, 2010

    Returning back from the Mongolia trip on public transport, I arrived back into the UK via Calais. I decided to cycle back home from there. Cycling long distances for utility purposes in in the UK was not something I had considered before. However, with my cycle touring experiences, it now was normal for me to cover hundreds of miles by bicycle. I just needed to have the time. After that trip I needed to go down to London a few times and I decided, instead of taking the train, to cycle.

    Tags: UK


  • Lincoln's Inn Field Design Research

    September 30, 2010

    I had to design something for Lincoln’s Inn Field in Holborn. First we had to do a detailed multi-media observational study on the place. I went there with others in my team and we took photos. I recorded audio, conducted surveys and interviews. The goal was just to look and see what really happened there. I also conducted secondary research. My project outcome was a system for doing city walks.


  • 21 Observations about Mongolia - tips for the Mongolia traveller

    August 19, 2010

    In 2010 I did a trip to Mongolia. After travelling there by the Trans-Siberian train, I cycled 1000km across the open steppe. Having been back in England for 1.5 months now I shared some of my reflections about Mongolia. People There aren’t many people in the rural areas but you’re never far from a settlement of some kind. The people are thoroughly nonchalant on the one hand and thoroughly curious on the other regarding foreigners - they would make good poker players.

    Tags: TipsAsiaTouringMongoliaTravelAdventureCycling