• Janapar at Raindance Film Festival 2012

    September 16, 2011

    Raindance, which opens in London on September 25th sets its sights firmly on independent filmmaking, and has done so for the last twenty years, to the point where it is now the biggest such film festival in the UK and, according to Variety, one of the top 50 film festivals in the world. The adventure cycling film ‘Janapar’, in which I appear, premiered at the festival.

    Tags: StrapsBikepackingTouring


  • Cycling the South West Coast Path

    July 17, 2011

    Got the train down to bournemouth and cycled along the coast path. Full story to come… I’m in Christchurch. Me and Siobhan got the train down to Poole and there was torrential rain. I was sick of at looking at the wealth on display in Poole so it was good when we got over to Studland via the ferry. The ferry clunked and clanked. In the distance was Brownsea island.

    Tags: UK


  • Geocache Round London

    March 1, 2011

    Tom and I met up for a spot of Geocaching in London. Geocaching is when someone hides something and puts the GPS location online then you go and find it. Searching round the back of this statue for the package. Reading the rolled up paper with notes from previous finders. A closer look. Adding our message to the list. Then we replaced it back where we had found it. Its good wholesome fun and gets you out of the house.

    Tags: London


  • Cycling to Ireland, Travels Round Northern Ireland

    March 1, 2011

    I’d never been to Ireland before and so Siobhan and I decided to cycle there. I’d convinced S to buy a bike for commuting in London and now I had the chance to introduce her to cycle touring. I planned a route and I got my dad to drive us to Tamworth to miss out the first bit in the midlands. Then we made our way via smaller roads through Staffordshire towns and villages into Wales, to Llangollen and the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and onward to Anglesey.

    Tags: Ireland


  • A Good Year for Protesting in London

    March 1, 2011

    This year (2011) I attended a few protests against austerity, public service funding cuts, critical mass bicycle rides and others. Huge demonstrations against austerity. TUC march. Occupy outside St.Pauls.

    Tags: London