• Maker Workshops at Harts Lane Studios

    August 31, 2012

    A couple of workshops at a space in New Cross. migrated from the WeQuest Research blog: I was preparing the Hart Lane studios space with Rebecca for the Why Make workshop and a guy came in and said he was looking for the person who ran the space because he wanted to help his friend put on a workshop for local residents in New Cross to make their own solar panels.

    Tags: UK


  • Workshop at uscreates about Future of Bike Touring

    August 19, 2012

    I attended a great workshop tonight at uscreates near London Bridge, ran by Jonathon Pye-Finch (pye-finch.co.uk | @jonpyefinch) it was a great opportunity to meet some cool people and discuss ways to get more people bike touring, particularly those considering going on their GAP year travels to persuade them to go cycle touring instead! Many bases were covered including: how do people become aware of the possibility of going cycle touring, what puts people off, how do people feel prepared enough to leave, what you need when you are on the road, and how to make a living, explore and deepen the experience of being open to possibilities and opportunities on the move.

    Tags: Design


  • Sonar 2012 Music Hack Day

    August 2, 2012

    migrated from the WeQuest research blog August 3rd, 2012 5:41am: Another research opportunity presented itself when I attended the music festival ‘Sonar 2012’ in Barcelona. http://www.sonar.es/en/2012/. This festival runs every year and sees the likes of the top musicians in the electronic genre attending. There was also a ‘Music Hack Day’ where a developers, engineers, and musicians came together to participate in a 24 hour ‘hack’ session to come up with a new app or musical instrument.

    Tags: Spain


  • Occupy Light Box Intervention

    July 31, 2012

    Fellow student, created covers for advertising lightboxes at bus stops to repurpose the message.


  • The Port Elliot Festival

    July 20, 2012

    The Stromatolite crew took a long drive down to the Port Elliot festival in Cornwall. We camped in the grounds of a stately home. We roamed about the festival listening to talks (like about foraging, see below), enjoying live music and recitals. The most memorable was the poetry of John Cooper-Clarke. Foraging workshop ran by Robin Harford at Port Eliot Festival 2012 as part of the Idler Academy http://www.eatweeds.co.uk/ migrated from WeQuest research blog August 3rd, 2012 4:34am_:_

    Tags: UK