• 5 Videos on the Latest Developments in Sustainable Mobility

    October 10, 2015

    Elon Musk Elon Musk is a well known tech engineer and entreprenuer. His company Tesla deals with solar energy, batteries and electric cars. Here is a video about the latest car model - the Model X. Electric Bikes Electric bikes are becoming more popular as technology improves and gets lighter and prices go down. Here is a report from Interbike 2015. E-Bike Touring This guy has does a series of videos where he takes his e-bike touring.

    Tags: MobilityEnvironmentSustainability


  • Testing Times in Tbilisi

    September 1, 2015

    When I first arrived in Tbilisi I thought the cracks in the pavement with weeds going through and the wonderful eroded qualities of some of the buildings were signs of character. Unfortunately a little bit of reality started to creep in. I’ve not managed yet to find the traction on the mtb tours I was hoping for. I’m a little bit jealous of some other people I know who seem to be happily pursuing their thing and being settled in here.


  • Gudauri’s New Mountain Bike Trail Hit or Miss

    August 31, 2015

    The new mountain bike trail in Gudauri opened on the 9th August with over 50 riders turning out to take advantage of the free gondola up lift and enjoy the newest bike trail to open in Georgia. I went along with a friend Lado, the owner of the Cube bike shop in Tbilisi, to see how the trail rode. My expectations were high as the build was done by a professional trail building company from Slovenia with the help of local downhill champion Luke Elioshvili.

    Tags: GudaariMountain bikingGeorgia


  • Svaneti, Georgia, Georidersmtb Mountain Bike Tour with Guests from Boulder, Colarado

    August 31, 2015

    We went off to Svaneti on a bike tour. I’d been staying at James’ place for a few days after arriving in Georgia. Our new friend Vako driving in his suped up Delica 4x4 van and his bike trailer arrived we loaded up the bikes and drove over to the Hotel. On the way, I enjoyed sitting high up in this crazy vehicle with the tyres making a noise like the Batmobile.

    Tags: BoulderAmericanSvanetiGeoridersMountain bikingGeorgia


  • Should I Work for Free?

    August 23, 2015

    Conventionally a person gets a job, fulfils a task and then receives some money. Money is collected and used to spend on things. Boiled down this is the consumerist lifestyle. Help thy Neighbour If a person goes to a neighbour and does some work to fix their car, but refuses to accept a pre specified amount of money then the person whose car has been fixed can choose to pay back the other person later with a comparable task, show gratitude, do nothing, offer their skills for free to someone else etc.

    Tags: ValueMoneyWorkJobWork for free