• How to Build a Decent Mountain Bike for £410.93

    May 3, 2016

    Update Summer 2017 Upgraded the bike with a Brand X Dropper post. Update October 2016 After riding weekly with local club Wakerley Wheelers, the bike worked great. Upgrades I’ve made have included: a rear mech with a clutch system and a chain device. The chain had a tendency to fall off so these are the modifications I’ve made to fix it. I like to build bikes. However, after finishing one bike, I always have a few parts left over.

    Tags: BuildMountain bikeCycling


  • A Writing Manifesto to Keep the Words Flowing

    May 3, 2016

    Get up early in the morning to write. 6 am and earlier. I tried writing late at night and got into a counter-productive routine of falling asleep at 10.30 pm, waking up at 2 am and working for a couple of hours. That could be your ideal routine but I’ve found the morning to be best for me. Give yourself the chance to write the ‘rubbish first draft’.

    Tags: ManifestoWriting


  • Transboundary Mountain Bike Trail in the Caucasus

    April 25, 2016

    I wrote this doc in 2014 and took it round to a bunch of NGOs in Tbilisi with the aim to getting some assistance to build it. Friend Tom Allen is currently travelling to the Caucasus to create a hiking trail so thought I would put it out there as part of the awareness raising about the benefit of these kinds of projects. Note that mountain bike trails are generally different from hiking trails.

    Tags: TrailMountain biking


  • The Paradoxical affect on Motivation of Hot Media

    April 17, 2016

    From Wikipedia: “a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is themselves a fraud, quack, or charlatan.” There are a people who portray themselves on the internet garnering a following of people and eventually offer something for sale. With open access to the tools of the internet medium to communicate, if you are good at these ‘mediums’ then you get to put yourself in the public eye.

    Tags: PhilosophyMassageMediaMcluhan


  • The Pursuit Zone Podcast

    April 11, 2016

    I’ve just done a podcast with Paul Schmid who runs the Pursuit Zone Podcast. Given the opportunity to talk about my experiences and passions I gladly did! We ran out of time too quickly but the podcast covers: Getting into cycling Mountain bike guiding jobs Preparing for a cycle tour Cycle touring gear Experience of cycling Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal Staying in Georgia (Caucasus) Setting up a bike tour offering in Georgia (Georiders) Making an adventure film Podcast available here

    Tags: ZonePursuitThepursuitzonePodcastNewsAdventure