• Year in Review 2014

    January 3, 2015

    2014 has been an interesting year. After leaving a very good full time job at MTV in Camden, London after 2 years, I left my overpriced warehouse accommodation in Manor house and travelled to Spain to Cortijada Los Gazquez, a stunning house in the Andalusian countryside. Into the Earth I walked for 8 days following the ‘dry fluvial system’ to the sea. Calling the project Bajada, I wanted to get close to the land as a channelled meditation; the physical channel representing an internal focus of attention.

    Tags: 2014ReflectionReviewbajada


  • Mountain biking at Afan

    January 3, 2015

    Back in April, I took the train to Bristol to pick up a bike I bought on Ebay, a Kona Hoss, and a Bob Trailer and went onward to Port Talbot in Wales. From there I rode up to the Glyncorrwg mountain bike centre and got kitted out, with new tyres and SPD shoes, in Skyline Cycles, the resident bike shop. I rode the ‘Whites’ Level’ trail and ‘The Wall’ on the first day, Whites’ Level and a bit of the Skyline on the second day and the Skyline on the last day.

    Tags: afan-forest-mtbglyncorrwg-mountain-bike-cntre-beakfastmountainbikinginwalesmountain-biking


  • Web and mobile revenue models 2015 version

    January 1, 2015

    The following is a list of web and mobile revenue model. I forget the original source. I think possibly from a post on YCombinator or similar site. What is interesting to me is the number of variants of models. Advertising Display Ads - ex. Yahoo! Search Ads - ex. Google Text Ads - ex. Google Video Ads - ex. Hulu Audio Ads - ex.



  • Adventure Misunderstood: The Irony of the Adventure Industry

    November 23, 2014

    Recently there was a post on Tom Allen‘s blog about how Adventure is now being used to sell products. Loads of people commented on it. I was interested in it for a number of reasons. I think that there has been a some misunderstanding between different groups and individuals. I wanted to add my perspective and clarify some points. Clarifying the Term ‘Adventure’ will always be entirely subjective depending on experience because it just means going out of your comfort zone and learning something.

    Tags: CriticalIronyPhilosophyTravelExploreAdventure


  • Explore 2014 at the Royal Geographical Society

    November 17, 2014

    Explore this year was as inspiring and awesome as usual. I spoke to tonnes of people, with some really interesting trips and backgrounds not least James Borrell, Tom Bruce, Roger Boyd, Andrew Ranville, and Tim Nunn. I love the variety of people that I speak to. I’ve come back with a head full of ideas and loads of motivation to move projects forward. I’m liking the way that the creative and arts side of Explore is going from strength to strength through people communicating their expeditions and journeys in beautiful and tactful ways whether in the form of maps, books, film, photography or otherwise.

    Tags: ExpeditionsLondonExploreEventRgs


  • Interview with Next Challenge Tim Moss Will Inspire Your Adventures

    October 25, 2014

    I recently began following Tim Moss on his website The Next Challenge which aims to help people to be more adventurous in their everyday lives. I find Tim’s approach inspiring because it focuses on the fact that you can have adventures wherever you are and inexpensively. What comes across strongly is Tim’s energy to consistently get out there and do exciting things and inspire and help others to do the same.

    Tags: InterviewThe next challengeTim mossAdventure


  • 10 Benefits of Cycle Touring In Europe to Inspire Your Trip

    October 12, 2014

    1. It will make you smarter Exercise is scientifically proven to stimulate your brain [1]. You will meet many more people, come across tonnes of incredibly beautiful landscapes and cultures. This will fill your mind with lots of stimulating information. 2. It will make you fitter Cycling 8 hours a day with a bicycle loaded with kit will make you fit. [2] Cycling is an excellent exercise, fantastic for cardio.

    Tags: Health benefitsBenefitsEuropeTouringCycle touringFitnessCycling


  • Explore Expedition Planning Weekend at the RGS 2014

    September 4, 2014

    The Explore seminar at the Royal Geographical Society is coming up in November. I contribute through conversations with people who attend conveying my experience of journeys. It is a time of reflection after journeys and a time to prepare. I used to think adventure was deciding to go into a wild place and doing a hard walk or bike ride. However, it is much deeper and personal. All true journeys are very personal.

    Tags: PlanningExpeditionsExploreEventRgs


  • Latest News About the Weave of the Ride Book and Cycle Touring In Europe to Keep Updated

    August 5, 2014

    Weave of the Ride is a blog about a tour across Europe I did. This blog is here because I wanted to nicely re-edit and represent. According to Google Analytics, Gear Reviews are a popular part of the blog but check out the blog posts from the road. Even though I wrote a book about the story the blog posts have that certain quality from being written from the road.

    Tags: Cycling europeWeave of the rideBook


  • Downhill Mountain Bike Race in Tbilisi

    July 13, 2014

    A mountain bike race was held at Mtatsminda park in Tbilisi. The location was ideal for the race because above it is a mountain with trails and then the race ended at the park where people were watching. All ages and levels could be seen participating. The only downside was the weather. It was wet and made conditions a little bit slippy.

    Tags: Tbilisi


  • Sakartvelos: Living in the Amazing Republic of Georgia

    July 6, 2014

    I am in the wonderful city of Tbilisi, Georgia. The first week I took an Irish guy on a challenging but fantastic one day bike tour, then two Australian tourists from Melbourne came for a week. We explored many incredible places and did some brilliant riding. The mountain biking in Georgia is superb and I’m working on mountain bike tour company Georiders out here. I have been catching up with old friends; one of which is making Champagne using artisanal methods.

    Tags: GeoridersBusinessMountainsDigital nomadTravelMountain bikingGeorgiaAdventure


  • On-One Inbred (26 inch wheel version) Frame Review - My Thoughts on this Classic Steel Frame

    May 5, 2014

    Before you read the article, have you seen my books? Please check them out. Thanks! 10 Lessons Learnt from Cycling to Mongolia and Other Travels Mountain Biking Routes in The Republic of Georgia The Only Man to Cycle from Stoke Albany to Kathmandu Prepare, Pack, Pedal: A Practical Guide to Bicycle Touring The On One Inbred Frame - ebay affiliate link is a steel mountain bike frame designed for British trail cross country riding.

    Tags: Steel is realSteel framePlanet-xInbredOn oneTouring bikeMountain bikeBikeFrame