• The Paradoxical affect on Motivation of Hot Media

    April 17, 2016

    From Wikipedia: “a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is themselves a fraud, quack, or charlatan.” There are a people who portray themselves on the internet garnering a following of people and eventually offer something for sale. With open access to the tools of the internet medium to communicate, if you are good at these ‘mediums’ then you get to put yourself in the public eye.

    Tags: PhilosophyMassageMediaMcluhan


  • The Pursuit Zone Podcast

    April 11, 2016

    I’ve just done a podcast with Paul Schmid who runs the Pursuit Zone Podcast. Given the opportunity to talk about my experiences and passions I gladly did! We ran out of time too quickly but the podcast covers: Getting into cycling Mountain bike guiding jobs Preparing for a cycle tour Cycle touring gear Experience of cycling Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal Staying in Georgia (Caucasus) Setting up a bike tour offering in Georgia (Georiders) Making an adventure film Podcast available here

    Tags: ZonePursuitThepursuitzonePodcastNewsAdventure


  • Self Shot Travel Filming Manifesto

    March 13, 2016

    This is a manifesto for how to shoot a movie, inspired by my own experiences filming whilst travelling, advice from String Films and a project I did whilst studying design at Goldsmiths. Formulate complete sentences when speaking into the camera. Keep the audience in mind with what you say to the camera. The camera is not a confidant. Use your diary for that. If you are going to do a travelling shot, spend the time and make it worthwhile.

    Tags: Film


  • How to Make an Adventure Film, So Far

    February 29, 2016

    The Initial Set Up In 2006 I began preparing for a journey to cycle round the world. Cue loads of preparation and research. It was going to be a huge adventure. Video cameras were widely available and it seemed like a no brainer to take one along to record the adventure as it unfolded. In an attempt to get sponsorship and free kit, a ticket to an outdoors event was blagged and whilst there a chance meeting lead to a couple of young filmmakers who would attempt to make some kind of film from the output.

    Tags: FilmAdventure


  • Thinking about Alternatives to the Current Economic System

    February 25, 2016

    Any ambitious person wants to feel as though their life is progressing and any intelligence person who participates in society does it because it makes sense to work with other people to benefit from the synergy that it bring. Human beings are generally social animals and need to feel loved, appreciated, and have their efforts witnessed. Without other people, there is only only the internal abyss of the mind (all very well to explore but you wouldn’t want to stay there forever).

    Tags: CapitalismSustainability


  • Gear Review: Merrell Trail Glove 3 Zero Drop Barefoot Running Shoes

    February 11, 2016

    Having really liked the New Balance MT10 barefoot running shoes in the wide fit, I wanted to find a similar pair when they were discontinued. I was excited to come across the latest offering from Merrell - the Trail Glove 3. A nice shoe for conditioning and training. I bought a pair receiving a discount from Wiggle.co.uk and started getting the miles in. I bought them to take with me on a trip to Spain and used them for trail running in the dusty, dry, mountain conditions there.

    Tags: TrailgloveMerrellRunningShoes


  • Encouraging Quotes 6

    February 4, 2016

    Frank Lloyd Wright Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change. Frank Lloyd Wright I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. Frank Lloyd Wright Art for art’s sake is a philosophy of the well-fed. Rene Char A poet must leave traces of his passage, not proof.

    Tags: QuotesMotivationInspiration


  • Crosso Dry 60 Adventure Bicycle Touring Pannier Review

    January 31, 2016

    The Crosso Dry 60 is a set of bicycle panniers designed for adventure touring. They have a sealed and welded closure to prevent against mud and water ingress. Rainstorms and being submerged (for example during a river crossing) will still have a hard time getting your stuff wet. The roll top system is a commonly seen system in dry bags, proving more waterproof and durable that a zip. The material is Plastel 620 and Polymar 650 are polyester fabrics coated with PVC.

    Tags: GearCrossoCycle-touringPannierspannier-rack


  • 10 of the best adventure films

    January 30, 2016

    Adventure films inspire and motivate. They show amazing landscapes, places and countries around the world. We get close to the character who has to overcome internal and external obstacles on their journey. Here are 10 of my favourites. Touching the Void Seven Years in Tibet The Motorcycle Diaries Into the Wild The Bourne Identity The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 127 Hours The Last Samurai Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas The Beach

    Tags: filmadventure


  • Working as a developer and keeping healthy

    January 28, 2016

    I spend some of my time working as a developer programming websites. The comedy show, The IT Crowd, portrays an image of a computer nerd - an average IT guy has sore eyes and a pale complexion and only gets up to get another coffee - at least if you believe the stereotype. Being on the inside of this profession I am surprised how many times I see IT professionals faster than me on Strava or competing in an elite group in a race.

    Tags: workdeveloperITcomputerscreen


  • "Worlds" Poem

    January 27, 2016

    We are surrounded by: (but often impossible to see) ‘Appearances of worlds’ Shadow Bright light Mirrors Opaque walls Empty facades Stuffed full of things Illusions Hard reality Cheap to create Unimaginably expensive Designed to serve a temporary purpose Permanence beyond human existence Turn a profit Free as in free We live in them We die in them The private flat The street The office The pub The coffee shop Fast food

    Tags: poetry


  • How Can Travel Be Defined?

    January 26, 2016

    The nature of travel is more than simple movement. Unlike the ritual processes of movement that we undergo in our daily lives, the notion of travel encapsulates a rupture and a disruption from the routines of transition within the confines of a fixed, predictable world. Lasting satisfaction The familiar trappings of the world that surround us can be defined by its appearance – seemingly stable and unchanging, they belie greater uncertainties beneath the surface.

    Tags: DefinitionTravelSpace