Surly Ogre - Steel frame 29er bikepacking trekking mountain bike review
September 4, 2016
The Surly Ogre’s name perhaps doesn’t give the bike the right image or the image that it needs. Ogres are usually ugly and trudge about swinging clubs and fists with large thick heads and not too clever. However an Ogre can also be strong and wanders about everywhere in the mountains choosing to live alone and be self-sufficient. It is also described as “eats ordinary human beings” on Wikipedia. Ogres are character types from stories of yore harking back to simplier times like that bombproof bike your Gran had that she rode over field and mountain for years on end and never serviced it once and it had those shopper handlebars.
Joey Schusler bikepacking filmmaker - The Trail to Kazbegi
August 4, 2016
Joey Schusler is an adventure athlete specializing in mountain biking & skiing. He couples his athletic skills with his creative drive as a photographer and filmmaker. Based in Boulder, Colorado. He says: The mountain bike is the perfect tool for adventure. Having been a competitive downhill racer for years, his attitudes changed and he looked for adventure elsewhere. The rider who recently made the viral “Trail to Kazbegi” mountain bike film about Georgia.
Big Wave Surfing Mundaka, Spain Basque Country Surfing
July 31, 2016
Filmed from the harbour side. The town of Mundaka hosts one of the best surfing wave in the world when the conditions are right. The town is very lively with many bars serving beer and Pintxo. The Basque region is a stunning place to visit with the mountainous coast and many places to surf and bike. Nothing special about the video. I was experimenting with the timelapse feature of the phone.
Tags: Spain
Vibram New Arctic Shoe Tread Technology Grips on Ice
July 28, 2016
Vibram are a company that are known for making high quality rubber soles for all kinds of shoes, but can be found on many kinds of hiking shoes. They also make the Vibram Fivefingers. Vibram have invented a new kind of shoe sole that grips perfectly on wet and dry ice. Vibram showcased their new sole technology at the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market. They built a large frozen block of ice and people could try out the ‘Arctic Grip’ shoes.
Alternative Shaped Bicycle Handlebar Review
July 24, 2016
Most handlebars for mountain bikes are either flat: or what is known as a riser bar where the bar rises at an angle from the centre point: Backsweep is another attribute in handlebars which is the angle that the bars are bent backwards from the centre point. Most handlebars for road bikes are known as drop bars which are flat at the top then curve forwards and down then back.
Tags: TrekkingJ-barH-barRiserFlatHandlebarsBikepackingTouringbike-components
Underwater Drone Kickstarter Campaign OpenROV
July 21, 2016
Lake Tahoe straddles the border between California and Nevada. Before a road was built in the 1930s a Steamship called ‘The Queen’ took people, cargo and mail across the lake. However, a road was built and demand plummeted. A local business tycoon came up with an idea to sink the ship in shallow waters and use it as a tourist attraction for glass bottomed boats. However, the depth was misjudged and the boat now sits at a depth of 150 m to this day.
A New Map of the Brain
July 21, 2016
Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have come up with a new map of the outer layer of the brain called the cerebral cortex. It will help researchers in studying brain disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, dementia and epilepsy. “The brain is not like a computer that can support any operating system and run any software,” David Van Essen, professor of neuroscience and senior author of the study, said in a news release.
Will Pokemon Go get you out on an Adventure to Explore Your City?
July 14, 2016
There is a hugely popular app game from Nintendo out called Pokemon Go. It topped the app store download chart on both iPhone’s App Store and Google Play just days after its initial release in the US, Australia and New Zealand. Its just been released in the UK today. From screenshots it looks like an AR (augmented reality) app. I’m just downloading it now in order to give it a trial run.
Tags: CityAugmented realityAppIphonePokemon goTravelPsychogeographyAdventure
Adventure Exploring on a Bike - The Travels of Photographer Nicolas Marino
July 13, 2016
Nicolás Marino is an adventure cyclist. His long-term adventures by bicycle have lasted for 10 years, 85 countries, across all kinds of terrain. A recent dispatch from cycling in Africa had him telling that he usually travels about 80 km per day on average although he sometimes does as much as 150 km. He states that the main motivation for travelling for him are the people that he meets and the cultures that he gets to experience such as the Touareg, Tibetan Buddhists, Nomadic Mongolians or Bayaka Pygmys.
Tags: JourneyTourNicolas marinoExpeditionAdventure cyclingTravel
Camping Hammocks Research and Review
July 12, 2016
I like sleeping outside. If you are going to be able to find trees to strap a hammock between or staying at a camp with these conditions, a hammock is a good option. Hammock Benefits Avoid the cold floor Avoid bugs Hammock drawbacks Strange sleeping position Massive range to choose from Best brands are expensive My Interest I’m interested in one with a built in net to avoid bugs and long and wide enough to fit a 6’2” tall person who weighs 200 lbs.
July 8, 2016
#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */ Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[4]='MMERGE4';ftypes[4]='text';fnames[6]='MMERGE6';ftypes[6]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.
Tags: newsletter
How to self-promote
July 8, 2016
How to self-promote These days social media is massive and it can help if you are promote yourself. Collaborate with other similar kinds of people - repost their things Gn one large adventure at least once or twice a year. Go camping with your mates, outside of London 3 or 4 times a year Write long posts about your camping trips on the internet. People have to comment on your boring self-absorbed monologues and say how wonderful they are.
Tags: self-promotion