• Lee Firman's Lightweight Touring Kit List

    February 4, 2018

    Lee Firman was the manager of the online footwear retailer “Feetus”. He contributed this article detailing his kit list following a Camino de Santiago route in Spain covering 350km, on tarmac roads, over 2 1/2 days, staying in hotels overnight. Over to Lee: I used an audax bike rather than a racer with mudguards, rack and SPD clipless pedals on it. These were good on the bike but also allowed me to walk when not on the bike.

    Tags: kit-list


  • Alternative Careers for Website Developers

    February 4, 2018

    When I attended secondary school the internet was relatively new, but amongst my friends we started learning about it and trying to make websites. I used Photoshop to create graphical buttons with rollovers and used tables to create a simple layout. Then I discovered alcohol and girls and my attention span reduced to about 10 seconds for a number of years. When I went to university I studied a huge range of things in my course from ecological fieldwork to coastal zone management and forestry management.

    Tags: CareerWebsite developer


  • How do I find travel partners for a bicycle touring trip?

    February 3, 2018

    You might want to travel solo or with others. It can be difficult to find others who you know who are interested in doing the same kind of trip you had in mind. However, the Internet can be a great place to connect with others who want to do adventures and looking to buddy up. Travelling with a companion can give an extra sense of security and it can be more fun to share an experience.

    Tags: Partnerridinggroupfriendsteam


  • Things to Do On a Weekend Trip in London

    February 3, 2018

    A Weekend Trip to London: Your Ultimate Guide Planning a weekend trip to London? You’re in for a treat! London is a city bursting with culture, history, and modern attractions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make the most of your weekend getaway. Day 1: Saturday in London Morning: Greenwich Park & Observatory Start your Saturday morning with a visit to Greenwich Park. This expansive green space offers breathtaking views of London.

    Tags: UtilityCycling


  • A photo essay of places that I have slept on my travels

    February 2, 2018

    In a forest in Georgia after a rave. On a riverbed in Mongolia after pushing the bike 25km along it. In a yurt in Mongolia. Next to Lake Khuvsgul in Mongolia. In a car park by a beach on the Atlantic coast of France. In the Khevsureti region of Georgia. In my flat in Tbilisi. In a random forest in France. In my flat in Tbilisi. With my Couchsurf hosts in Delhi.

    Tags: Photo EssayPhotosPhotographySleepingCampingTentCouchsurfing


  • Interview with Brian Dixon : Light Follows 2013

    February 2, 2018

    This is an interview I did with Brian Dixon in 2013 - a conversation whilst walking around Camden. Interview Questions (3.0) Age: 30 Gende R: Male Occupation: Web Developer Place of Residence: London Method of contact: Recommendation of an earlier participant. Questions Q: How often do you ‘go for a walk’ in an urban setting? Am— R: In an urban setting. We’re taking about urban recreational walking. I’d say probably once a week.

    Tags: PsychogeographyWalking


  • Reasons you need to put Georgia on your travel must-see list!

    February 2, 2018

    Georgia is an absolute stunner of a place, and one that people are rapidly starting to wake up to. Here are 10 reasons why: The amazing mountains These mountain ranges will have anyone gasping in awe. The High Caucasus range is impressive, on par with the Alps, and boasts five peaks higher than Mont Blanc, hot spring geysers, glaciers and more. There are some fantastic trails around the peaks, scented by the forests of pine trees, and one of the best ways to explore them is via mountain bike.

    Tags: UtilityCycling


  • What Questions Would you Ask an Explorer?

    February 2, 2018

    These are the questions I asked a German explorer I met in Tbilisi who was travelling by horse. Where are you from? What is your job? What trips have you done before? What is the motivation for your trip? Why use a horse? How is travelling with an animal different? What languages do you speak? Describe briefly your average day? Where you do live and sleep now? What is your life philosophy 1 short paragraph?

    Tags: QuestionsExplorer


  • Staying Safe While Mountain Biking

    February 2, 2018

    When out mountain biking, nothing is more important than ensuring your safety and the safety of others around you. The truth is, mountain biking is one of the most enjoyable activities in the world, but it can present several hazards above and beyond those of road cycling. If you’re ill equipped to foresee them, you could find yourself in harm’s way sooner than you think. Below, we have listed seven points that you must always remember before heading out on a mountain biking adventure.

    Tags: Mountain biking


  • Cycling Across Europe - Weave of the Ride Photo Essay

    February 2, 2018

    We started out as three and had to get used to life on the road. However, the freedom was palpable and things soon improved. Once we had crossed the hidden beauty of the Suffolk and benefitted from the long distance cycle paths of Holland that increased our fitness, We came to the first mountains, and experienced the serene pristine beauty of the French and Swiss Alps. Austria and the Danube showed the first signs of an Eastern European feel,

    Tags: Photo EssayPhotosPhotographyWeave of the RideEuropeCycle Touring


  • Digital tools for Productive Nomads

    February 2, 2018

    Whilst travelling I blogged from internet cafes and carried a hard drive around to back up photos from my Camera’s SD card. Technology moves on so fast, that there are now a wealth of options for ‘digital tools’ that help you to process your documenting and communicate to the world. There are thousands of apps for just about every possibility from navigation to finding accommodation to medicine available. If you are am going on a long bike tour and intend to blog about it, take photos then you need to have an equipment set up to allow this.

    Tags: Digital toolsNomadic


  • Utility cycling and long distance cycling

    February 2, 2018

    I recently cycled from Leicestershire to London as I’m moving there and have done a few trips down to sort out accommodation and visit friends. It is not that difficult to pedal in and out of London with many routes on small roads, cycle and canal tow paths. On a previous trip I also followed the Thames path for a section. There is something satisfying about biking a route which you have done many times before by car, train, or bus but because cycling gives you a sense of the places and geography.

    Tags: UtilityCycling