Travel Philosophy: Tricks for the Road
On the road, you pick up a few tricks. You are more vulnerable by yourself, in an unfamiliar place and you need to be able to trust and cooperate with people you meet and make do with what you have.
A few things that served me well on my travels.
Accept invitations more readily
Saying yes just opens you up to so many experiences.
Trust pretty much everyone (give benefit of the doubt)
Open up your heart to people and they will do the same for you.
Be willing to eat whenever you get hungry (or are given food)
Keeping yourself nourished is the main objective but try the local cuisines and street food when you get the chance and accept food you are given.
Sleep whenever you find a place
When you are tired you need to rest and if the opportunity arises, take it.
Sometimes disregard maps
Over really big areas you might not need a map. Try a compass instead.
Ask people for directions, food, water, shelter, information
Asking the question shows that you are vulnerable, need help and most of the time people will help you.
Get off the main roads and explore the small side roads
Main roads are fine for going quick but if you want to explore turn off at the next turn and take a country road.
Go slower and be more patient
Large roads are designed for modern vehicles that go fast. Small roads are designed for horses and cart and people. Slow moving traffic. Changing your pace will immediately allow you to notice more and make more connections. Pay attention to the moment in hand rather than focusing on the destination