How to Analyse and Fix Bugs in Your Life
I originally wrote this in 2010. Updated 2017. Identifying habits that perhaps hold me back and creating solutions.
Problem: Using technology through boredom for a short term emotional benefit.
- Smarter use of instead of impulsive use.
- Being productive as opposed to busy.
- Better understanding and relevant technology.
- Improving the technology I use. Making it faster, more suitable. Being part of a community of people who use similar technology and sharing ideas, issues and fixes.
- Understanding the pros and cons of use of different technologies.
Problem: Dreaming to escape to somewhere / something better.
- Make the most of the place where I am rather than projecting to escape somewhere else. Embracing the mundane.
Problem: Too many projects.
- Reducing projects, making them real and putting them out in the world.
- Ideas are not all worth pursuing and realising a good idea requires time, dedication and effort.
Problem: Making things too easy and getting complacent.
- Follow your intuition.
- Sticking at the process.
- Do things properly.
- Deal with reality in a realistic way.