Preparation for Running a Mountain Bike Tour
I’ve been preparing to run a mountain bike tour in Georgia with Georiders again this year. We’ve got tours running in June, July, August and September with the current guests. So we are cautiously happy to have had some growth from last year when we only ran two of our major trips with only 2 and 1 guest on respectively. This however, was great experience and was well worth doing anyway.
Getting the experience of running a bike touor
Experience massively trumps all the preparation process. You can’t beat actually trying out an idea you’ve been having, or putting an idea into reality in order to see how it goes. From actually doing in this case a bike tour then I was able to shape up how the guests on our tours were feeling and experiencing themselves, their expectations and the strengths and weaknesses of our plans.
Improving on last year
Overall the tours last year were a success but there were many things that I noted to improve. I wrote a report after the tour last year which details all the ways I thought the tour was a success and what were some of the shortcomings. This I have been referring to this year and we’ve built in a host of ways to improve the experience and product for the guests. Also we have had feedback from guests as well as input from guests about what kind of experience they want.
However, this boils down essentially to the simple elements of a trip which is to get the fundamentals right and then to hit the road and soak up the experience.