Expedition Preparation Tips
To me an expedition means: exploring, new ideas and experimentation. It can offer a great deal of learning potential.
An expedition usually requires planning, because it might involve going to an unusual place or doing extraordinary activities. This may require training, special visas, or specialist equipment.
Nevertheless, the following rules of thumb will hopefully help you to ensure that you have the basics covered for a successful trip:
- Have a clear goal. It is important to have a focus, but it is also important to accept invitations and be open to the experiences that you have.
- Research your gear. Take the right gear that is best suited for the context of your trip. Less is more. Don’t take more than you need because it will hinder your progress.
- Involve others. The more people who can help you out the better the learning experience. Choose your partners wisely. Travel with people you trust and know how they will react in a variety of situations.
- Spread the word before you go. This will build your responsibility and allow others to support you.
- Set a day to leave. It will give you a goal to aim for and focus your energy.
- Have a budget and stick to it. Having a financial constraint is helpful to reign in your expenditure and the scope of your trip.
- Keep a private journal. It will help to gather your thoughts and make sense of what is happening.
- Communicate your trip through visual / written / other means. Passing on your learning creates value for others and amplifies the impact of your journey.
- Consider the environment. You will take many things from your trip but make sure that you minimise your impact.