30 Things Mountain Biking has Taught Me About Life
Good writers have often used sport as a metaphor for life.
- Keep going.
- Relax.
- Keep your gear clean.
- The fun starts when you push the limits.
- Practicing makes you better.
- Ups are followed by downs.
- Don’t hit stationary objects at speed.
- Learn to fall well.
- Sometimes speed is your friend.
- Thousands of tiny decisions are being made every second without you knowing.
- Go with the flow.
- He who dares…
- Don’t ride tired or hungry if you can help it.
- The hardest parts are the most satisfying afterwards.
- There’s fresh crap on the trail ahead.
- Balance is first among the virtues; momentum is second.
- Success requires confidence, but cockiness invites failure.
- Sometimes, the best way past an obstacle is to fly straight over it.
- It’s all about the being and the going, not the having and the arriving.
- There are forks in the road - offering different levels of challenge.
- The one who talks the most probably knows the least.
- The thing that nails you is the one you don’t see coming.
- Stop occasionally to admire the view.
- Preparation wins races.
- Better enjoyed with friends.
- Gear isn’t everything.
- Precision beats power, timing beats speed.
- Look ahead.
- Ensure traction by digging in.
- Stay loose.