
Hi, welcome to the blog. I work as a Technical Architect at London based startup Builder.ai. The foundations of this blog were laid in travel. Here I share insights on tech as well as weaving in my passions for fitness, outdoors and gardening.Read more about me.

If travel reports are of interest, visit the travel category, and if you plan on doing your own cycling adventure trip, I've created a comprehensive landing page with information to help.

If I can help you, then please get in contact.
  • Bike Comparisons

    April 23, 2024

    This page displays a table of bikes that I have reviewed or included in the bike reviews section with links back to the articles. From this list you can see the kinds of bikes have been of interest to me and the kind of riding. Steel framed hardtail Steel framed tourer Electric tourer Fatbike Multipurpose steel framed bikes Long wheelbase, short stemmed slack head angle hardtails Specialist adventure tourer Why are these bikes of interest to me?

    Tags: ComparisonsMountain BikesFolding BikesTouring Bikes


  • Using ChatGPT to generate workout plans

    October 31, 2023

    ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) based chatbot from the company OpenAI which has been trained on the Internet (has all the information in it’s memory). ChatGPT has a huge number of uses but recently I have been using it to create workouts. I do that by simply asking a question such as: “Give me a 30 minute workout, involving squats and press ups” You can tweak your request to ChatGPT to modify the output.


  • Contact

    July 10, 2023

    Please fill out the form below to get in touch with us.


  • Early Morning Explorations: Finding Freedom on Two Wheels

    February 1, 2023

    In the hushed moments before dawn, when the world is still cloaked in shadows and the streets are devoid of the usual hustle and bustle, lies an opportunity for a unique kind of adventure: the early morning bike ride. As a software architect entrenched in the buzzing labyrinth of London’s software tech scene, my days are often consumed by the digital realm. However, my sanctuary lies in the simplicity and freedom of two wheels gliding through the quiet streets and open countryside.



  • Are we living in the algorithm?

    September 26, 2022

    Living with Algorithms: A Modern Challenge Algorithms have become an integral part of our daily lives. From the apps we use to our transportation methods, these sets of precise steps drive our interactions with technology. But with this ubiquity comes a crucial question: Are we just following the algorithms without considering the impact on our ability to think critically? Understanding Algorithms An algorithm is a set of rules or steps designed to solve a specific problem.

    Tags: technology


  • Evernote Evolved: Maximise your Productivity with this Simple Method

    June 15, 2022

    Evernote Evolved offers a comprehensive guide to mastering Evernote, a powerful tool for organizing your life and maximizing your productivity. This book provides practical tips and strategies to streamline your workflow and get the most out of Evernote’s features. From creating effective note-taking systems to managing tasks and projects, Evernote Evolved is designed for both beginners and advanced users. Discover how to use Evernote to its full potential and transform your productivity.

    Tags: bookproductivityevernote


  • Bike Building Adventures: Turning Spare Parts into Adventure Machines

    June 1, 2022

    I had a huge collection of old bike parts and I had a todo item on my list to sell them on eBay for a couple of years. However, I never got round to it and after fixing up one bike which I then sold on Facebook Marketplace, I thought, maybe I’ll use my spare bike parts to build up full bikes instead. Then I can either ride them or sell them.



  • Mountain Biking Routes in The Republic of Georgia

    November 10, 2021

    Mountain Biking Routes in The Republic of Georgia is your ultimate guide to exploring the diverse and challenging trails of Georgia. From lush forests to rugged mountains, this book covers a variety of routes suitable for all skill levels. Detailed maps, trail descriptions, and insider tips provide everything you need to plan your mountain biking adventure in Georgia. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery and vibrant culture as you ride through one of the world’s most intriguing countries.

    Tags: bookadventuremountain-biking


  • Web and mobile revenue models - 2021 update

    January 1, 2021

    see Old version Some time ago I was researching revenue models of apps and I recently came across the list and using the power of Chatgpt revised the list. One thing you notice is how the landscape of apps has changed. Advertising: Display Ads: Google Display Network, Facebook Ads Search Ads: Google Ads, Bing Ads Video Ads: YouTube, Vimeo Audio Ads: Spotify, Apple Music Promoted Content: Twitter Promoted Tweets, Instagram Sponsored Posts Native Ads: Taboola, Outbrain Influencer Marketing: Collaborations with social media influencers Commerce:



  • Top 5 Bicycle Upgrades

    November 14, 2020

    Disc Brakes Braking is a very important part of cycling. If you can’t stop effectively you are in trouble. Rim brakes are the brakes that have rubber pads that are applied onto the rims of the wheel. These can be quite effective and are lightweight. However, they also wear your rim out and are not as powerful as disc brakes. Disc brakes come in mechanical and hydraulic forms and can be found on all types of bike now- road and off-road.


  • Building an Application from Scratch with a Lean Team

    November 1, 2020

    In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, embarking on the creation of a new application is both a formidable challenge and an exhilarating journey. As a technical architect contributing to a London-based software tech start-up, I present a practical approach deploying an Guerrilla-style Innovation team framework. Unleashing Disruption The journey commences with a disruptive mindset, as the team defies traditional structures and embraces a nimble, unconventional approach to software development.

    Tags: Lean DevelopmentGuerrilla TeamSoftware EngineeringAgileInnovation